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From creating something out of nothing to shining the world - Henan Zhecheng transformed into a diamond capital in40 years
Xinhua daily telegraph Source:Xinhua Daily Telegraph,September 15th Author:Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Wang Shengzhi,Sun Qingqing,Niu Shaojie,Zhang Haoran Zhecheng,a small city...
Miaozhizhong Trading Company fully implements and studies the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party
Focus on the 20th National Congress and forge ahead on a new journey. Standing at the new historical starting point of the Communist Party of China’s century-old struggle and...
Diamond grinding paste and polishing fluid products with special performance
  Diamond grinding paste and diamond polishing fluid are deep processing products applied to diamond powder;Their production process involves the application of multidisciplinary...
Grinding Mechanism of Diamond Micropowder
The grinding process can be seen as the micro cutting of the workpiece by free abrasive particles through the grinding tool,which involves complex physical and chemical interactions.Its...

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