Grinding Mechanism of Diamond Micropowder

The grinding process can be seen as the micro cutting of the workpiece by free abrasive particles through the grinding tool,which involves complex physical and chemical interactions.Its main functions are as follows.

  1.Cutting action

Due to the fact that the material of the grinding tool is softer than the material of the workpiece being ground,the abrasive particles in the grinding agent are embedded or floating on the surface of the grinding tool,forming a substrate for the opposite edge.When the grinding tool and the workpiece are in grinding motion,micro cutting is carried out on the surface of the workpiece under a certain pressure.

  2.Chemical action

When chromium oxide,stearic acid,or other abrasives are used,an extremely thin oxide film is formed on the surface of the workpiece,which is easily ground off.During the grinding process,the oxide film continuously forms rapidly and is continuously ground off,thereby accelerating the grinding process and reducing surface roughness.

  3.Plastic deformation

Passivated abrasive particles compress the surface of the workpiece,causing deformation of the processed material.The peaks and valleys on the surface of the workpiece are flattened during plastic deformation or undergo work hardening during repeated deformation,and finally fracture to form fine cuts.

When grinding,it should meet the following requirements:the surface shape accuracy of the grinding tool should be high;The workpiece should undergo complex composite movements;The abrasive should be suitable;Having appropriate pressure and grinding speed,etc.

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