Diamond grinding paste and polishing fluid products with special performance


Diamond grinding paste and diamond polishing fluid are deep processing products applied to diamond powder;Their production process involves the application of multidisciplinary knowledge such as mechanics,dynamics,fluid mechanics,chemistry,etc.

Henan Hengwei Superhard Materials Co.,Ltd.has successfully solved a series of technical problems such as dispersion,purification,purification,and surface modification of special diamond powder using technology with independent intellectual property rights.It has manufactured high-quality diamond polishing products with good particle morphology,narrow particle size distribution,controllable average diameter,batch management,and repeatability production.

The development of modern science and technology has put forward more and more requirements for surface polishing technology of products,and the key to polishing technology is achieved through the combination of grinding and polishing machinery and grinding and polishing products.Usually,the higher the precision required for polishing,the higher the required polishing machinery and product quality.

Taking computer read and write heads as an example.The computer reading and writing head is the crystallization of nanotechnology,and its entire manufacturing process is the manifestation and extension of nanotechnology polishing.The surface roughness of the magnetic head is required to be below 0.5nanometers,and the magnetic head and hard disk operate in coordination,with a space size equivalent to a Boeing747aircraft flying at an altitude of2 millimeters above the ground;The surface smoothness of the magnetic head is equivalent to only allowing a flatness deviation of plus or minus2 inches in a total length of10000 feet(runway length).The super mirror finish of the magnetic head is achieved using nanoscale diamond polishing fluid.In this polishing process,the stability of the polishing machine working surface during operation and the manufacturing of diamond particles in the polishing solution are the most crucial.

The manufacturing of diamond grinding paste and polishing fluid involves multiple disciplines and fields,among which the following factors must be considered:1)characteristics of particle suspension force,2)characteristics of particle adhesion force,3)viscosity of dispersion medium,4)concentration of diamond particles,5)surface modification of diamond particles,6)solubility of lubricating oil,7)evaporation rate of mixture,8)high bottom of pH value,9)impact of ion pollution on the environment,etc.

In the domestic production field,there are usually two methods for manufacturing diamond grinding paste and diamond polishing fluid:firstly,manufacturers purchase diamond powder products,base oil,and additives from the market and prepare them.This method does not have its own core technology,and the cost is relatively high,and the quality of the products cannot be guaranteed;Another method is to manufacture the most important material for grinding paste and polishing fluid ourselves-diamond powder,while other materials are purchased from the market.

This manufacturing method has its own core technology.Powerful manufacturers can regulate the key material diamond powder in grinding paste and polishing fluid,continuously improving product quality,meeting customer requirements,and making themselves invincible in the market competitiveness.

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