

1.Optimize and integrate the superhard material industry chain based on ordinary artificial diamond,diamond crushing materials and micro powder.

Continue to promote the transformation of production intelligence and automation,promote the transformation to digital thinking,grasp market trends and dynamically adjust product structure,focus on promoting innovation in technological processes,further refinement of production processes,improvement of quality stability,and increase the development of high-end products for direct application.Customer base;Seize the market opportunities in the early stages of the development of diamonds,crushed materials,and micro powders,guide and promote the culture of cultivated diamonds,and consolidate the first-mover advantage in the market.

2.Efforts should be made to promote the research and technical reserves of diamond and broken materials in emerging application fields,and timely promote the establishment of an industrial integration platform through the establishment of new material industry funds using diamond micropowder as a breakthrough point to drive technological upgrading,intelligent transformation,and product inspection of the new material industry.The standardization of management and the expansion of functional applications will help the transformation and upgrading of superhard materials.

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